
2022Everything Else is Even More RIdiculous - Datacide 1-10


EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS is a 364-page A4-size tome collecting the complete editions of datacide issues 1-10. It contains introductions by Flint Michigan, Christoph Fringeli, Nemeton, and Dan Hekate. Available again from Molehill Publishing. ISBN 978-3-948332-01-3

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Sei troppo giovane per ricordare gli anni ottanta – Ballando in un’altra epoca

È facile dimenticare in quest’epoca di feste che durano tutta la notte, di after-hours e bar notturni che c’è stato un tempo in cui tutti i locali chiudevano alle 2 del mattino. I primi anni Ottanta erano un periodo triste per uscire a far festa. La maggior parte delle discoteche erano spelonche troppo costose, dove per entrare si veniva scrutati dal personale della porta che controllava se il tuo aspetto era rispettabile. Per qualche oscuro motivo erano d’obbligo le scarpe bianche.

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20082021Datacide 10Film/VideoInterviewsYouTube

Controlled Weirdness: You’re too Young to Remember the Eighties on YouTube.

You’re too Young to Remember the Eighties – Dancing in a Different Time is the title of an article CW wrote for Datacide Ten in 2008.

In November 2021 we sat down with hin and talked about the topics covered in the article and more: Underground clubs and warehouse parties in London in the early to mid 1980s, charting a hidden history of going out, DJing, electro, the rise of house music and the acid house phenomenon.

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2016Almanac for Noise & Politics 2016

Nomex: A Life in Full Frequency

When selecting an alias for his artistic persona, Paul Kidd chose the name of the flame resistant material, Nomex. A protective shield suggesting indestructability, it appeared an apt moniker for someone who liked to “keep it cryptic” and push the limits of both his art and in his own life with an intense fervour. For those of us who knew the man behind the name, that this great force has been extinguished is hard to comprehend. However, his music endures.

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