2023Film/VideoOnline Exclusive

Protests against the Government’s Pension Reforms in Paris – Original Footage

Paris Protests against the French government’s Pension Reform, March 2023.

From “The Iron Lady has escaped from Hell” to “Long live the General Strike” – some impressions and original footage from the huge and festive rally against the Macron/Borne government’s pension reforms in Paris on Thursday, March 23, 2023.

This was the 9th day of nationwide industrial action and one of the largest demonstrations since the Macron government had announced their plans to overhaul the pension system.

Media and government have largely played down the number of participants (which while hard to estimate from the ground was clearly larger than the 119 000 estimated by police – the unions talked about 800 000) and overemphasised the militant aspects.

The footage, while not meant to be “representative”, shows the playful and festive, as well as defiant atmosphere of the event.

Filmed and edited by Christoph Fringeli

  • Wikipedia article on protests and strikes against the 2023 pension reforms

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