Datacide 19

2023Datacide 19

The Electronic Disturbance Zone – Part 1

Following on from a talk/listening session given at the launch for Datacide 18 at Ridley Road Social Club in February 2020, Howard Slater expanded on the theme of the Electronic Disturbance Zone in the following work in progress.

General Outline: 0. Preamble (Sonic Theory, Pierre Schaeffer, EDZ at Dead by Dawn, techno and ambient) 1. Environment Recordings (Luc Ferrari, Murray Schafer) 2. Entity music (Walter Marchetti) 3. Drone (Eliane Radigue, Roland Kayn) 4. Aural collage (John Cage, Luc Ferrari, Industrial) 5. Studio Based Electronics (Stockhausen, Bernard Parmegiani ) 6. Live Electronic Improvisation (David Tudor, Morphogenesis etc) 7. Hybrids/ Heterogeneity (decategorisation)

Part 2 of this text will appear in the next issue of Datacide and will cover Drone through to Studio Based Electronics.

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19672023Datacide 19Documents

Vietnam, the Third World and the Self-Deception of the Left (1967)

In our series of documents on revolutionary history – for the first time in English: A critique of anti-Imperialism from Berlin 1967 based on the Situationist International’s ‘Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries’ which first appeared in Internationale Situationniste #10 in March 1966. With an introduction by Christoph Fringeli.

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20182023Datacide 19FictionTalks

Hundsteinweg – Text of Spoken Word performance by Joke Lanz

The text of a spoken word performance by Joke Lanz (of Sudden Infant fame), originally performed at a Datacide event in 2018 in Berlin, explores autobiographical impressions combined with poetry and sound.

Here you’ll find the full text, with embedded video of the performance and an exclusive collage by Joke Lanz.

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19782023ArticlesDatacide 19

Industrial Music for Industrial People: Throbbing Gristle 1978

Excerpt from Ian Trowell’s new book Throbbing Gristle – An Endless Discontent, published by Intellect Books, details the first gig Throbbing Gristle played north of London in 1978, at the Wakefield Industrial Training College. Uncanny overlaps of TGs touring and the Yorkshire Ripper’s killing spree emerge.

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2023Datacide 19Fiction

Distant Sky – New Short Story by Dan Moss

The rocks and soil above his head rumbled and shook. He looked upwards; shafts of light pierced the darkness. There was nowhere below him, what had been his home was now a pile of debris and death. Above him lay the bright lands, the hairy two legs and their infernal contraptions. His huge arms powered him upwards, there was only forwards.

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