2019EventsItalianoOnline Exclusive

Datacide presentation & bar sounds by Lynx, Psychic Defence, CF in Bologna 19-09-2019

Incontro con Christoph Fringeli della redazione di DATACIDE, rivista che esplora le implicazioni sociali del souno del dancefloor e il binomio noise & politics. L’incontro sarà moderato da Riccardo Balli. A seguire dalle ore 21 ad appena un numero civico di distanza presso Stomp Bologna SOUND APERITIF con dj Lynx + C.F. (Praxis Records)

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2019Book ReviewsDatacide 18

Frankenstein, or the 8-Bit Prometheus – Micro-literature, hyper-mashup, Sonic Belligeranza Records 17th Anniversary by Riccardo Balli

Frankenstein, or the 8-Bit Prometheus – Micro-literature, hyper-mashup, Sonic Belligeranza Records 17th Anniversary by Riccardo Balli. We document the Reddit controversy between Balli and Reynolds!

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2019Book ReviewsDatacide 18

A Fascist Tulpa in the White House? Right-wing ‘Meme Magic’ and the Rise of Trump

In his book “Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump,” Gary Lachman explores the role of occult ideas in contemporary politics, particularly in the USA and Russia during the Trump era. Lachman delves into “New Thought,” Chaos Magic, and traditionalist influences on right-wing movements.
Book review by Neil Transpontine

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Vortrag zu Revolution in Deutschland 1918-23 von Daniel Kulla

Die Novemberrevolution 1918 hat es gerade so ins landläufige Geschichtsbild geschafft, zumindest unter Linken geht sie noch bis Januar 1919 weiter. Der Höhepunkt der revolutionären Bewegung im Februar und März 1919 ist hingegen unter den diversen historischen Siegererzählungen fast verschwunden… Vortrag von Daniel Kulla im Disconnect Store Berlin.

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