Donald Trump

2019Book ReviewsDatacide 18

A Fascist Tulpa in the White House? Right-wing ‘Meme Magic’ and the Rise of Trump

In his book “Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump,” Gary Lachman explores the role of occult ideas in contemporary politics, particularly in the USA and Russia during the Trump era. Lachman delves into “New Thought,” Chaos Magic, and traditionalist influences on right-wing movements.
Book review by Neil Transpontine

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2017ArticlesBook ReviewsDatacide 17

Alexander Reid Ross: Against the Fascist Creep (Book Review)

Alexander Reid Ross: Against the Fascist Creep, published by AK Press in 2017, reviewed by Christoph Fringeli. The fascist creep: ‘the porous borders between fascism and the radical right, through which fascism is able to “creep” into mainstream discourse’.

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ArticlesDatacide 17

Political News Datacide 17

Endless War Chelsea Manning, US army intelligence officer and whistleblower, received a commutation by President Barack Obama in January 2017

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