Spiral Tribe


Mark Angelo Harrison about Spiral Tribe and Free Party History (Datacide Conference Berlin 2013)

Mark Angelo Harrison speaking on Spiral Tribe and Free Parties History at Datacide Conference 2013 in Berlin. A historical overview over the early festivals, the Battle of the Beanfield, Foundation of the Spiral Tribe Sound System, Castlemorton, the famous court case, and further adventures in Berlin and at Teknival. Questions asked by Christoph Fringeli

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1997Datacide 1

Teknival – Summer Thunder

Teknival was started by Spiral Tribe in the Summer of 1993 as free festivals of techno music and art. This article by Mark Spiral (aka Mark Angelo Harrison) describes the attempt by a commercial record distributor to “copyright” the term Teknival, but more importantly looks into other pitfalls of marketing underground culture, including the now legendary Network 23.

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