Datacide 11-20

20082021Datacide 10Film/VideoInterviewsYouTube

Controlled Weirdness: You’re too Young to Remember the Eighties on YouTube.

You’re too Young to Remember the Eighties – Dancing in a Different Time is the title of an article CW wrote for Datacide Ten in 2008.

In November 2021 we sat down with hin and talked about the topics covered in the article and more: Underground clubs and warehouse parties in London in the early to mid 1980s, charting a hidden history of going out, DJing, electro, the rise of house music and the acid house phenomenon.

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2008Book ReviewsDatacide 10

François Genoud – The Life of a Swiss Banker and Fascist Anti-Imperialist

François Genoud was born in 1915 in Lausanne, in the french-speaking part of Switzerland. In his teens he became an admirer of Adolf Hitler, met the future “Führer” in person in 1932, and remained a staunch National-Socialist until his death in 1996. His career included publishing the Goebbels diaries, acting as a banker for the Algerian FLN, funding the legal defence Barbie and Carlos, supporting the PFLP and much more.

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