
1997Datacide 2Record Reviews

Dark… Darker… Dirty: Taxi Tracks

‘Darkness can be panoramic and searing enough to provide sufficient space for emotions other than those that are socially-sanctioned and saccharine. Satisfaction is not exhilarating… the attainable is uninteresting: at the end of Taxi Driver what are we to make of Travis Bickle’s glance into the rear-view mirror?’

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1997ArticlesDatacide 3Exhibitions


In London in the first half of 1997, Weimar Germany came back to London with a discreet vengeance. Dr.Hans Prinzhorn’s ‘Art of the Insane’ (collected 1919-1922) at the Hayward Gallery, George Grosz at the Royal Academy, Marlene Dietrich – the West End musical, and August Sander’s ‘exact’ photography at the National Portrait Gallery.

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