
1998Datacide 4Fiction


unique citizenship realized and spiced higher essence that pales only before the sun of the cadence of speech. caffeine linguist. having carefully edited sect tone with line which extends to the separate reels, he was about to play thee of them;is supplike all the other recorder and stepped back from the tator of the pelvis. it escapes a fevered voice croaking its gibberish then fought it down…

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1997ArticlesDatacide 3Film ReviewsFilm/Video

PARALLAXED – A Dark 70s America

Before Pakula made his well known All the Presidents Men, a film which centres directly on the Watergate debacle, he made The Parallax View, a film which expands the ‘private’ scenario of Klute into a wider social setting and which makes links between government, corporations and the assassinations of the 60s at the same time that it self-reflexively draws further attention to the power-wielding manipulations inherent in mainstream cinema.

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1997Datacide 3Interviews

Interview with Mark Newlands / Bloody Fist 1997

Interview with Mark Newlands of Bloody Fist Records from Newcastle Australia with questions asked by Christoph Fringeli of Praxis/Datacide conducted in London in 1997.
“As for our position in the hardcore scene, I don’t know, and I’m not really that interested in keeping a check on that; we do what we do, and if that means we’re stuck off in a corner away from everyone else, then fine. If people are into it, if they think it’s good and it’s a worthwhile label then even better, but it’s not something we consciously work towards.”

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