
These Laws: Up Yours! – Documents Relating to “Revolt of the Ravers”

A handful of documents – press clippings and flyers – relating to the article Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95 from Datacide 13.
This includes scans of various newspapers and flyers mostly from 1994.

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19942014ArticlesDatacide 13

Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95

Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95 is a look back at the grassroots campaigns against the then new Criminal Justice Bill which became the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and specifically targeted travellers, squatters and ravers.

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1994Alien UndergroundAlien Underground 0.0Book Reviews

Critical Art Ensemble: The Electronic Disturbance (Autonomedia, 1994)

In “The Electronic Disturbance,” Critical Art Ensemble explores resistance in the technological age, emphasizing the concept of “liquescence” and the elusive nature of modern power. They advocate for electronic resistance against privatized public spaces, or “bunkers,” and propose small, non-hierarchical groups using technology to create impactful, coordinated acts of civil disobedience. Book review by Flint Michigan.

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