Lobster 36.
Hot off the press is also the new edition of Lobster, as always full of insight and information about the
Read MoreHot off the press is also the new edition of Lobster, as always full of insight and information about the
Read MoreTransgressions – A Journal of Urban Exploration appeared in 5 issues published by teh Geography Department of the University of Newcastle England in the mid-late 90s. Edited by Alastair Bonnett. Review Editor was Fabian Tompsett. This is a short review of issue 5 which appeared in Datacide 5.
Read MoreVol. 3: Moving horizontally rather than vertically this intense music magazine takes in electronica, post rock and drum and bass.
Read Morereview ofADILKNO, The Media Archive, published by Autonomedia Pierre Bourdieu’s book On Television and Journalism that recently caused a shit-storm
Read MoreEndnote to Let the Children Play (Luther Blissett, Datacide 4) In a chapter of the book Lasciate che i bimbi.
Read MoreHeaven’s Gate, Artaud, ‘regenerative slime’.Part 2 of Gnostic Front, datacide two. Few self-contained pieces of bad advice can rival self-help
Read MoreAn analysis of the movies of John Carpenter by Howard Slater from Datacide 5 (1999).
‘As we grow more accustomed to the control of the urban environment through surveillance, zero tolerance zones and regeneration projects it seems as if we inhabit a social world that is policed by technology and is obsessed with security. Just what this technology secures us from is as encrypted as the microchips and cables that power it. Maybe it secures us from ourselves: a constant reminder that we are being ‘watched’ which comes to strengthen the internalisation of those mechanisms of paranoia and stasis that an inherited morality has already instilled.’
Largely unnoticed by the public the Labour government has been sneaking in “anti-terrorist” legislation in the wake of the Omagh
Read MoreSomewhere near the end of ‘Apocalypse Now’ Colonel Kurtz, sitting in the almost impenetrable darkness, utters the memorable line: “They teach young men to drop fire on people, but won’t allow them to write ‘Fuck’ on their aeroplanes because they consider it obscene”.
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