20132014Datacide 13Fiction

EARTH ‘A RUN RED: Impressionistic notes on Pierre Guyotat’s ‘Tomb for 500,000 Soldiers’

The intense novels of Pierre Guyotat, from Tomb for 500,00 Soldiers to the banned Eden Eden Eden, are a challenging read that draw upon his witnessing the atrocities of the Algerian Civil War. Here, Howard Slater, instead of attempting an impossible exegesis, offers a readers-report, an impressionistic mélange, of the latter novel, first published in France in 1967 and translated into English by Creation Books in 2003.

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Praxis presents Datacide @ Subversiv e.V. Berlin 14-06-2014

  ISTARI LASTERFAHRERhttps://soundcloud.com/istari-lasterfahrerDESPERhttps://soundcloud.com/desper_of_slepcyH-KONhttps://soundcloud.com/h-konCHRISTOPH FRINGELIhttps://soundcloud.com/praxisrecordsZOMBIEFLESHEATERhttps://soundcloud.com/zombieflesheaterSANSCULOTTE_videohttps://vimeo.com/sansculottehttp://praxis.c8.com/http://datacide-magazine.com/NO RACISM, NO SEXISM, NO NATIONALISM————————–— in the space of Subversiv e.V. Brunnenstrasse 7, Berlin-Mitte, near Rosenthaler

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