NEXT:NOW – Strategies to Re-Sample the Future

Friday 10th of November 2017, 19:00
@ Vetomat
Wühlischstr. 42 10245 Berlin – Friedrichshain
Tram M13 Wühlischstr./Gärtnerstr
S-Bhf. Ostkreuz oder S-Bhf. Warschauer Str.
Strategies to resample the future
„Once upon a time, pop‘s metabolism buzzed with dynamic energy, creating the surging-in-to-the-future feel of periods like the psychedelic sixties, the post-punk seventies, the hip-hop eighties and the rave nineties. The 2000s felt different. (…) Instead of being the threshold to the future, the first then years of the twenty-first century turned out to be the ‚Re‘ Decade (…): revivals, reissues, remakes, re-enactments. Endless retrospection. (…)“
– Simon Reynolds – Retromania (2011)
„In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.“
– Guy Debord – Society of the Spectacle (1967)
The past seems to be a main topic in these days. Where is the border between transmitting knowledge and being stuck in nostalgia?
Is it still possible to influence reality? If yes, what is doing the job and what else could be imagined to be adequate and effective?
A talk with:
BK Bostik (CP/01 Contropotere)
Christoph Fringeli (praxis/datacide)
Marat „Falloutboy“ (Audiomassive)
Mark Harrison (sp23)
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