2014ArticlesDatacide 14

Journeys in the Naked City – Adventures in New York Before the Rain

Journeys in the Naked City – Adventures in New York Before the Rain is an article by Controlled Weirdness about 1980s Clubbing in New York, published originally in Datacide 14 in 2014, the follow-up/companion piece to ‘You’re Too Young to Remember the Eighties about London underground clubs and warehouse parties.

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2014Book ReviewsDatacide 14

Robert Dellar, Splitting In Two: Mad Pride & Punk Rock Oblivion (Unkant Publishing) (Book Review)

Robert Dellar’s book is part autobiography, part social history and in places morphs into fiction. It covers both Dellar’s own life via punk rock and the dehumanisation of those deemed clinically insane by the powers that be. While in academia the idea that madness might be the only sane response to capitalist society is often discussed in terms of Deleuze and Guattari’s anti-Oedipal theories, Dellar has a more hands on and activist approach to ‘bad craziness’.

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20132014Datacide 13Fiction

EARTH ‘A RUN RED: Impressionistic notes on Pierre Guyotat’s ‘Tomb for 500,000 Soldiers’

The intense novels of Pierre Guyotat, from Tomb for 500,00 Soldiers to the banned Eden Eden Eden, are a challenging read that draw upon his witnessing the atrocities of the Algerian Civil War. Here, Howard Slater, instead of attempting an impossible exegesis, offers a readers-report, an impressionistic mélange, of the latter novel, first published in France in 1967 and translated into English by Creation Books in 2003.

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19942014ArticlesDatacide 13

Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95

Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95 is a look back at the grassroots campaigns against the then new Criminal Justice Bill which became the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and specifically targeted travellers, squatters and ravers.

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