
19672023Datacide 19Documents

Vietnam, the Third World and the Self-Deception of the Left (1967)

In our series of documents on revolutionary history – for the first time in English: A critique of anti-Imperialism from Berlin 1967 based on the Situationist International’s ‘Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries’ which first appeared in Internationale Situationniste #10 in March 1966. With an introduction by Christoph Fringeli.

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19171927Datacide 17Documents

Boris Souvarine: Black October – Ten Years of the Russian Revolution (1927)

Boris Souvarine (1895-1984) was a co-founder of the French Communist Party and activist in the Communist International. He broke from the party in 1924 and became a critical supporter and part of the anti-Stalinist opposition within the international communist movement, observing and analysing the degeneration of the Bolsheviks from a revolutionary force to the political organisation of a new ruling stratum in Soviet Russia. This is his article about 10 years of the revolution for the first time in English.

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These Laws: Up Yours! – Documents Relating to “Revolt of the Ravers”

A handful of documents – press clippings and flyers – relating to the article Revolt of the Ravers – The Movement against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain 1993-95 from Datacide 13.
This includes scans of various newspapers and flyers mostly from 1994.

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