we have to leave, that much is for certain. whether it’s part of the great plan or not, this island is terminal – so rat.
[after a mysterious tip (origin unknown) and finding myself rummaging around a dusty junkshop on an island within the ring-o-fire, i finally came across the material i had long suspected to exist1 – the true function of the Holy Grail.]
written by that satanic scoundrel Abbe Boullan who through his research into astral sex combined with dubious contacts with freemasonry and possibly a rearguard splinter of the Knights Templar, became interested in the actual mystery of the H.G. and persuaded, by either promise of supernatural power or threat of curse, to get his grubby hands on the chalice and the connected ancient documentation.
Boullan’s findings that the power of the chalice actually came from its harmonic capabilities and that these powerful resonances had the ability to effect matter,and believed that although the K.T.’s held it in high regard they actually never harnessed its power2. B. had many enemies and on getting wind of his possession they launched attacks both natural & super against him. aware of this threat B. installed safeguards and though he is proported to have died in a “terrible and mysterious fire” the chalice and papers were never recovered.
[what i had been led to find was a dance chart popularin the fifties of foot movements (black and white soles linked by arrows), with it an envelope containing basic dimensional and material descriptions of the H.G. and various other information all hidden in the guise of a diary. it seems the son of B.’s manservant was under instruction to rewrite the information in his own style, and so on leaving for this french colony kept the secret with him to the grave, a secret to be unknowingly carried on by his decendents. i gleaned from the owner of the shop that these remaining decendents had been killed by kanak aborigines pissed at the outside intervention, and so all their belongings had come here. i payed and left the island.]
[scratched onto the chart the words: container of all light-only]
being that there is no ‘god’ of any kind save the periodic table and its interactions, there is also no ‘heaven’ of any guise. there is only eternity. what form for this eternity then?, dust(to dust) or an informational matter? here at butech laboratories we have endeavoured to use valuable information gleaned in the recent past to establish a possibility of transforming human matter into a purely informational creation. we see this as the next step in our evolution, an evolution that we must have control over to prevent the possible ‘spading over’3 of our present civilisation.
basic principle: our bodies run on an electro-chemical system. your brain is the interesting bit everything else is wrapping. through the use of a highly sophisticated arrangement of synthesised and analogue sound in combination with a physically honest portrayal of these sounds4, produces a set of chemical triggers fired in a crescendo effect that results in a heat implosion leaving a knowledge shadow – your pure self, free from all physical dependencies, and therefore capable of universal travel5.
the planet will no longer be our prison.
1 a conversation i had with brion gysin and his medium friend eileen garrett further backed up my suspicions.
2 rumours abound that while on tour in the middle-east, the K.T. successfully amplified the oncoming screams of attackers bouncing them back in such a forceful way that hundreds fell dead before them no doubt from shock.
3 Heaven’s Gate terminology. about 19 years ago a colleague of mine, illiterate fuckwad that he was, read some of my coded notes and an extract of the original manuscript and so with his simpleton under standing started up a quasi-religion; the before mentioned Heaven’s Gate.
4 the dance movements from the chart, even though used only as a provisional guide, needed extensive redesign as the manservants son wasn’t exactly twyla tharp. we also believe that the instruction to use the black path goes deeper than merely for movement but also for clothing /environment/espresso.
5 no fear to those triple a’s, remember the mind is your sexiest organ!
[please note: although butech laboratories are currently working on the ideal tracks for ‘takeoff’ the upcoming praxis release does not yet contain ‘fullfuel’, though if you’re quick, track two maybe enough!]

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