Virtual Government – CIA Mind Control in America
Alex Constantine :
Virtual Government –
CIA Mind Control Operations in America
(Feral House, 1997)

Virtual Government starts where Constantine’s previous book Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. (Feral House 1995) left off. Dealing with Microwave harassment, suggesting that the False Memory Syndrome was a hoax to cover up Mind Control operations by the CIA, Non-Lethal Technology, Secret State Death Squads and the NutraSweet Conspiracy, Psychic Dictatorship provided a mixed bag of research, insights and … speculation?
Virtual Government sets out to put the Secret State agenda into historical perspective by tracing the origins of the CIA back to the American importing of Nazi agents whose agenda wasn’t just the continuation of the war against Communism in the framework of western democracy, but also to pave the way for the Forth Reich. How close they got in realising this aim? Rather close, Constantine suggests, unleashing a barrage of data on the unsuspecting reader, creating the image of a nearly all powerful CIA/Nazi-Network involved in brainwashing and remote controlling the minds of America and the World.
Despite the number of footnotes, a lot of the presented information is of very varying value , and in extremely differing degrees of substantiation/verification. There are a couple of glaring mistakes. 2 examples: Already on page 5, you’ll find “Herman Goering, Hitler’s propaganda minister”, later in the book Nazi militants are equated with the Reichswehr. These are both grave factual mistakes, Hitler’s propaganda minister was Goebbels (as it rightly says in the rest of the book), and the Reichswehr was the regular army, which stood certainly on the political far right, but was not allied with the Nazi party and certainly didn’t bring it to power.
Who does he mean, the Freikorps? They would fit the description, but were dissolved after they indeed tried to putsch their way to power in 1920, or the actual militant organisations of the Nazi party, namely the SA or the SS? Mistakes like that are unforgivable in a book like this, both instances are in my opinion in areas of general knowledge, now what am I supposed to make of information that I can’t as easily double check? (Or was it CIA mind control that made him make those mistakes to discredit the book?)
There is also an occasional lack of rigour – sorry, but attacks of headache, however fierce, ‘Alien Abduction’ experiences and LSD horrortrips, however disturbing, are not proof that mind control, brainwashing or microwave harassment is occurring, if you hear voices it’s not proof yet that the CIA is beaming them into your head.
Constantine is a danger of confusing symptoms with the disease, or with making pieces of a puzzle forcibly fit a preconceived image.
There is also a danger of making the CIA (in this case) appear invincible, if they can get away with everything that Constantine suggests is within the range of their activities. Also I’d like to know about the internal structures of those organisations – it is hard to believe that an organisation so vast in its scope would be a homogeneous organism without internal contradictions and warring factions. To collect data on these sort of things is certainly not easy, but that’s the whole point of conspiracy research – to unearth information that normally is kept secret. The disposition of sources to cloud things rather than clarify them should be evident , as should be the necessity of double checking information again and again.
This is not always done here to a satisfying degree. I mean, I wouldn’t cite Maury Terry (“The Ultimate Evil”) as a reliable source, but ultimately I don’t disagree with Constantine so much, I’m just complaining about inconclusive evidence, I don’t doubt his integrity but think he can get a bit too excited, and not do his own agenda the best service.
Let’s briefly look at that agenda:
Virtual Government is very much concerned with a cabal behind the scenes, a classic conspiracy scenario that is running the show from the shadows, a group of people that Constantine locates in the CIA.
This group (that is not further defined – see my criticism above) is using Telemetric Mind Control, Microwave Harassment, Cult Programming, ‘Alien Abduction’, Microchip Implants, Truth Drugs, all sorts of ‘Non-Lethal Weapons’ to create Zombie Assassins and mindless, controlled citizens in their conduct for world control. According to Constantine they are very good at it and have the whole scenery stitched up.
I don’t think this has progressed to such a degree, in fact I think the Mind Controllers are by no means as good at their job as they would like us to believe, and that they are united in their struggle to be in control. I am much more inclined to believe that they are in disarray, and while the public information economy is indeed very controlled, and while there is a number of groups behind the scenes that wield considerable influence, they are only strong for as long as they manage people to convince of their invincibility or the impossibility of alternatives.
The pro of Constantine’s books lies in the dissemination of thought provoking data and ideas, the Con that they tend to reinforce the impression of an invincible and homogeneous conspiracy.
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