
2017ArticlesDatacide 16

Poisoned Fruit in the Walled Garden – The Alt Right: A Growing Problem, But Not a New One

In 2016, the Alt Right, a network of neo-fascist trolls, intensified online hate speech, manipulating public opinion on major political issues like Brexit and Trump’s campaign. Their tactics included posing as ordinary users, creating fake accounts, and spreading misinformation, ultimately aiming to propagate a neo-fascist agenda across America and Europe.

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2016ArticlesDatacide 16

Notes from Non-Existence – Brexit vs. the Proletariat

Jay Gould may or may not actually have said ‘I can hire half of the working class to kill the other half’, but the proprietors of the UK have tested the theory successfully with their EU referendum. Not that you would know it from reading the Guardian, the Financial Times or even, sad to say, Counterpunch and the rest of the Left-wing blogobubble, where a chorus of Influencers is celebrating the 18th Brumaire of Nigel Farage.

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