Support the End of the Year 2023 Datacide Fundraiser!


As a tiny media organisation with no powerful backers or other sources of capital, we are in urgent need for funds to keep going and extend our publishing endeavours.

The aims of this particular drive:

  • Get more copies of the new issue of datacide printed ASAP.
  • Print more copies of the book “EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS”.
  • Get Volume 3 of the Almanac for Noise & Politics out is the next priority. It’s been nearly finished for ages and is ready to go as soon as funds allow.

All of this is particularly urgent as we have secured some new avenues of distribution, but obviously have to be able to supply them with hard copies!


  • Printing of datacide nineteen. We urgently need more copies. So far 200 copies have been printed and distributed. We urgently need another 150-200 copies. 200 copies cost about 460 euros to print.
  • Printing of another 50 of the EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS compilation of the first 10 issues of Datacide will cost almost exactly the same as 200 magazines, €460. The books is completely sold out and we already have several orders, so this needs to be done soon!
  • Almanac for noise & politics Volume 3. The third of the almanac series has been in the works for years and has been practically ready to print for a while. To start with just 100 copies will cost us €332. Yes, the small format is more expensive to print (in small numbers) than the A4.
  • We also have some urgent office costs which need to be covered this month: We need to cover internet hosting, and we need a new scanner. Also we need mailers/envelopes etc for mailing out copies of the magazines and books. In total ca. €500 for these combined.

We have several other book projects in the pipeline, of which a “prequel” to EVERYTHING ELSE IS EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS containing the two issues of Alien Underground and other documents from the period of ca. 1992-96 is currently the most developed. To start with just 100 copies will roughly cost €600. If the funding comes together, this could be ready as early as February 2024.

However, at this point we’re far behind our rather modest goal of reaching a combined €2023 from sales of individual copies, print subscriptions, the combined print, digital and music subscription, and finally donations.

While some of these costs will be covered by sales, it is obvious that we need additional funds to avoid chronic delays which are entirely unnecessary. One great way of helping to reach this goal is taking out a subscription. For only €23 euros you get 4 issue of datacide (in Europe), or 3 issues (Rest of the World), and for €100 you receive both Datacide and Praxis material worth €120. This “Super-Subscription” is pretty flexible – you can include back catalog items, limit it to audio or print items etc. More details HERE !

But even the purchase of single copies or small donations help the cause and are much appreciated!

Please spread the word and share this page!

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