Datacide Thirteen


Release date: 12 October 2013. 76 pages.

Datacide: Introduction
Nemeton: Political News: Infiltration and Agent Provocateurs; Vision Tech; Endless War; Surveillance, Control and Repression
CF: NSU Update
Two in London: ‎ UK Anti-Fascist Round Up
Comrade Omega: Crisis in the SWP, or: Weiningerism in the UK
David Cecil: Confessions of an Accidental Activist
Neil Transpontine: Spiral Tribe Interview with Mark Harrison
Neil Transpontine: ‘Revolt of the Ravers’-The Movement Against the Criminal Justice Act in Britain, 1993-95 and These Laws: Up Yours! Documents Relating to ‘Revolt of the Ravers’
Split Horizon: What is This Future?
Fabian Tompsett: Wikipedia-A Vernacular Encyclopedia
Howard Slater: Shared Vertigo
Dan Hekate: Crystal Distortion
Howard Slater: Cut-Up-Marx One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Howard Slater: EARTH ‘A RUN RED
Marcel Stoetzler: Identity, Commodity and Authority: Two New Books about Horkheimer and Adorno
Nemeton: Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency (book review)
Christoph Fringeli: One Night in Stammheim. Helge Lehmann: Die Todesnacht von Stammheim – Eine Untersuchung (book review)
Christoph Fringeli: Anton Shekovtsov, Paul Jackson (eds.): White Power Music – Scenes of the Extreme Right Cultural Resistence (book review)
CF: Press reviews
John Eden: Emencified Shrill Out: Nomex at the Controls
Alexis Wolton: Vinyl Meltdown, Prt. 1
Record reviews by Zombieflesheater, Nemeton and Kovert
Datacide News
DJ Charts
Matthieu Bourel: Rioter
Sansculotte: Overdosed
Plus: The Lives and Times of Bloor Schleppy


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