Datacide Fifteen
Release Date: 7 May 2016. 76 Pages.
Datacide: Editorial
Nemeton: Endless War; Infiltration and Agent Provocateurs; Surveillance, Control and Repression
CF: Neo-Nazis, the National Socialist Underground and the State
Jeff23: Why Do Refugees Want To Go To England?
Clive Acid: Towards a New African Fascism
Multiculturalism, Immunisation and Rhythm: Interview with Alexej Ulbricht, conducted by Jonathan Nassim and Mikala Rasmussen, with introduction and additional questions by David Cecil
Howard Slater: Last Survivors or First Mutants: Notes on Surplus Population
The Fool: A Deadly Mediterranean: Technical Trials of Modern Warfare
Howard Slater: Sincere Genesis: On Félix Guattari and Groups
Adrian Mengay and Maike Pricelius: Interview with Osha Neumann
The Reverend: Marketisation of Mass Education in England: A Brief History
Matthew Hyland: A Cry Against Help & 13 Protheses on Carelessness of the Self
Book reviews:
Neil Transpontine: ‘These Days are not to be Missed’: 1990s Rave and Club Culture in Fiction
Christoph Fringeli: Peter Sedgwick: Psycho Politics – Laing, Foucault, Goffman, Szasz and the Future of Mass Psychiatry
Christoph Fringeli: Marcel Bois: Kommunisten gegen Hitler und Stalin. Die linke Opposition der KPD in der Weimarer Republik – Eine Gesamtdarstellung
Dan Hekate: Pigeon
Guoda Diržyte: Fluxus and DIY Concerts
Record Reviews by Nemeton, Zombieflesheater, Christoph Fringeli, Prole Sector, and Controlled Weirdness
Datacide: Datacide Activities Since the Last Issue
DJ Charts
Comix and Illustrations:
Dybbuk: front cover
Matthieu Bourel: inside front cover
Simon Lejeune/Olivier Noel: Obekna
Sansculotte: Overdosed
Guinea Pigs: illustration
Darkam: back cover
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