Datacide 12Record Reviews

Datacide 12 record reviews by Zombieflesheater

Brandon Spivey & Coexsystems – Sound Extremism / Kali Yuga
It looks like in 2012 we hear an acid comeback and this transparent, limited seven inch on Audio Riots, a new german label, fits in. The A side from Brandon Spivey, who released several acid hardcore 12″s under different names in the nineties, and a 12″ on Phase Distortion Records recently, brings a stomping hardcore track and a nervous acidline reminiscent of some of the tracks he made as Agro on Epsilon Records in 95/96. The only strange part in this track is the vocal sample throughout which sounds a bit displaced but its just a little drawback, its a good track after all. The B side is the real hit on this one. Coexsystems, who is a producer from germany, made a fast forward pushing track with a classical build up, including breakdowns that just play the relentless acidline alone in order to bring up the tension, and that is what makes the track come alive. The tracks are around the 4 and 5 minutes marks so they could have been a bit longer for the full effect, but it is still a good acid-core vinyl after all.

Istari Lasterfahrer –
Some Places spb12.021
As you might guess from the title, this 4 track 12″ on Sozialistischer Plattenbau is dedicated to the places Istari Lasterfahrer had the opportunity to play at over the last years, as well as the people who made it possible. You can read about every single one on a 12″ sized sheet that comes with the record. The two tracks on side A are jungle tunes with chopped amen breaks, basslines and speech samples in between and happy hardcore influences like pianos, 4/4 bassdrum in some parts and highpitched vocals, reminiscent of FFF. Side B starts with a ruff jungle/breakcore tune in the typical istari style with changing time signatures. The last track uses sounds from analog modular systems to create a more experimental feeling with a dancehall rhythm folded in. limited to 150 copies.

Maxi Bacon / Peter Quistgard – Mega Buttons / EyE!  
A split 10″ on Toztizok Zoundz, made by Maxi Bacon, which is a project from Freeka Tet from Paris and Company Fuck from berlin and Peter Quistgard, a producer from Amsterdam. Maxi Bacons sound is a mixture of glitch, grindcore, noise and snippets from everwhere. they created a confusing sound collage of 23 short tracks that leave you unsure what you experienced while listening. very chaotic unforseeable improvisations after which you need a short brainwash. The Quistgard side contains 2 tracks which can be described as glitchy breakcore with a chiptunefeeling, 8 bit synths and hectic fast beats and weird tempo changes . it comes in a coloured double cover on white vinyl.

16AJ – Warning Remix / The Flip  
After the big wave of US ragga jungle releases in the early/mid 2000s, not much was released in the last years and most of it was pretty boring. 16 Armed Jack or AJ16 is one of the few exceptions in this field. You get fast edited amen breaks, heavy reese synthlines and no overused accapellas on this 12″ . For the Warning Remix, he put his hands on the classic jungle tune from Firefox& 4-Tree on Philly Blunt in 94. What makes it interesting is that he uses a different accapella for the warning vocals, originally used from Junior Tuckers track “Don’t Touch My Baby”, this time sung by a woman. In both tracks you hear the usual soundclash screams and chants interspersed, but well edited and fitting. Good one on a label called kingdom.

Hirntrust Grind Media roundup
Deformer vs. Zombieflesheater -Syko/In Hirn We Trust – Hirntrust 20
Deformer made a  track that sounds like his version of hard drum&bass with a metal touch and Deformers very own sound aesthetics. ZFE comes with a pounding, raw breakcore track with unformatted sounds. Clean Transparent 7″ in nice artwork. Limited to 300 copies.
Bruital Orgasme – Bruital Orgasme – Hirntrust 28
Harsh noise and spoken words from this duo from Antwerp. 4 tracks on this singlesided  transparent 7″, limited to 200 copies.
Total Fucking Destruction / Skat Injector – Ubi Nihil Vales, Ibi Nihil Velis – Hirntrust 29
TFD with 4 tracks of good punk/grindcore with texts about the downfall of mankind  and Scat Injector with 2 tracks of goregrind/digigrind and texts about anal suicide and hydraulic rams….label split release with Binjuice Erotica and Legs Akimbo. 7″, Limited to 300 copies.
Torturing Nurse / Ekunhaashaastaack – Split Hirntrust 30
Torturing Nurse brings 1 track of harsh noise from china and Ekunhaashaastaack has 1 track of raw analog noise from france.  label split release with Stockroom Records, Underground Pollution Records and Scorze rec. Limited to 200 copies.
Scum – Broken Sound System Diarrhea Hirntrust 32
Scum from tokyo with a track of sonic, sharp, harsh, triggered noise mixed with dubreggae samples and echo effects, which reminds me on the legendary Scud & Nomex vs. Augusto Pablo track on one of the irritant tapes. Singlesided and limited to  150 copies.
DJ Balli / Micropupazzo / MAT64 / Pira 666* –  8 bit terror S.B. 09
Chiptunes + heavy metal = chip metal! On this picture 12″ with apocalyptic 8 bit graphics is a meeting of the best of this genre (i guess). 8 Chiptune cover tracks of bands like Iron Maiden, Napalm Death, Vanadium and Slayer and the spoken 8 Bit Metal Manifesto will satisfy the trve chip metalhead. Label split release with Cervello Meccanico.

8cylinder – The Emperor’s Champion Unmapped North 1
8cylinder – Panic Unmapped North 2
Two 10″ releases, each with 4 tracks, from the head of Thac0 records on the sublabel Unmapped North from pittsburgh. Each track of “the emperors champions”  is “dedicated to each of the four vows a Black Templar can be bound to” as the website says. 2 tracks with uptempo broken beats mixed with 4/4 hardcore  and gui-
tar like synths on side A. side B starts with a rumbling track with an experimental touch, but the outstanding  track is B2, with fast breaks, dark synths and a slamming beat programming. fresh, interesting and different release. The second release on the label follows the style of the first 10″ with  percussive broken beats and abstract synths, his own sound. A rare thing nowadays.
Various – Little Brutal Rave Bastards Series Vol.5
Jean bach is back with a grey marbled  7″ in the rave bastards series wich started in 2000. 4 tracks of rhythmic noise and experimental, hard techno, interesting and diverse as always. There are 4 artists given on the release, names like David Sardelle or Leprozid Pfarrhaus, but in times of discogs its easy to find out that all of them are aliases of Jean Bach himself. Best track name on this one is “Guck Mal Ihre Beinchen An Wie Ein Schwein ”

Small But Hard
SBH_Mix_001 & SBH_EP_001
A new label from berlin/london set up by Scotch Egg, Simon Fowler and Dj Die Soon with their own idea of heavy bass music. The Mix cassette contains tracks 8 tracks from Dj Scotch Bonnet, C_C, Koyxe, Dead Fader, Devilman, Kakawaka, Dj Die Soon and Dj Urine with heavy distorted beats and overdriven bass, from experimental hip hop to industrial broken beats and noise downbeats and feedbacks. The Ep cassette is made by Dj Scotch Bonnet & Sensational, most known for his experimental hip hop on Wordsound. 6 tracks full of distorted slow fat beats and vocals by Sensational. Illbient in 2012. There is also a short mix linked on their website. Listen to get an idea what we can await from them in the future.

Sharps Injury/Disheveled Split
Sharps Injury alias Keef Baker with two tracks of disorted, broken beats and rhytmic noise over melodic IDMish synths. Disheveled on the other side doing similar stuff minus the melodies, something between dubstep, downtempo broken beats and noise. As always on Thac0 Records, this 12″ comes in a beautiful designed sleeve
and red transparent marbeled vinyl, limited to 200 copies.

Grr – De Tribus Impostoribus (Mechanical Brain Limited 001)
Both tracks on this 7″ are made for nowadays hardcore dancefloor. the A side in a deathchant vein,4/4  hardcore with filter effects and breakdowns,hip hop samples and some amenbreaks here and then, while the b side lays more emphasis on a crossbreed sound, but in a slighty filthier way than the usual hardcore drum and bass.

S/M – The Doombringer
S/M, who released a 12″ as slutmachine and a cd under his Richard For Cerebellum moniker on zhark recordings in 2005, brings  a self-released double cd, also available as various file formats as it is sold through his own bandcamp site ( . the first cd comes with twelve tracks, three of them remixes, including a superb one from Cdatakill. The release combines dark ambient atmospheres, classical influences and well programmed fast raw broken beats to a great composition, far from nowadays bog-standard. The few classical parts with violins and cello fit well in this release, reminding us that the composer is an classically trained pianist, cellist, and violinist. The second cd gave the release its name, the Doombringer. One track with the lenght of 66 minutes, 6 seconds full of dark soundscapes, haunting noises, harsh drones and screams, an overall really dark horror movie atmosphere. “Raining down fire, pesitilence and mass annihilation, The
Doombringer smiles upon the devastation that has been wrought.” Well said.

Apzolut – Phtalates anyone?
A cassette/file release on the ressurrected dutch label Orange Socks owned by FFF.  Apzolut blends all variations of Breakcore into a 19 tracks with uplifted junglish breaks, sometimes pianos, high pitched vocals and a few popsamples, some tricky jazzy breaks reminding on the dirty drummer 12″ on addict, 4/4 bassdrums, guitars, dark ambient parts, downtempo… all in all a diverse release with a rave feeling and a misleading black metal styled cover.

Anonymous Vol.2 Praxis 45
Bulkrate – In The Temple Of The Serpent Praxis 49
Electric Kettle – News From Berlin Praxis 50
The second Anonymous release in a planned series of 3 12″ with 4 tracks of unknown origin, brings attention back to the music and away from the cult of personality. Heavy atmospheric tunes from slow to fast breakcore, each one with a unique style. Happy riddling.
Bulkrate with his first vinyl release after 3 net releases on Zhark and Dark Winter. 5 tracks of experimental broken beats with a doomy atmosphere, sometimes reminding on Abelcain and would have fit well on the Zhark label as well.
After a longer pause, Electric Kettle is back with a 4 track 12″ and a further developed sound without loosing the funk from earlier recordings. dark synths and heavy edited hard breaks make it into a high energetic, fresh release. packed in a pretty, full coloured sleeve with a collage designed by Electric Kettle too.

Fifth Era / ANGST – Beyond The Realms Of Doom II – KETACDR006
Released as a double cdr pack in vinyl optic and special hand-painted (spray & stencil) hardboard wood sleeve, and also available as file release at the Ketacore bandcamp page. In the last few years doomcore saw a more or less big revival in the course of the Witch House and Dark Ambient trends. Fifth Era are known for their epic dark empty sounding Doomcore since the mid-nineties and Angst (ANGST) is the side project from FFF usually known for his jungle frenzy. 20 tracks of atmospheric, creepy, high quality doomcore/hardcore and witch house, some of them remixes from each other aswell as remixes from Capslock, Mono-Amine, Newk, The Relic and others.

Various – Accretion EP
Darkmatter Soundsystem
Four hammering tunes from Minion, Poxxe, Fiend and Resurrector and scratch samples from Baseck. You get 2 bonus tracks from WMX and Wet Mango when you use the download code that comes with the vinyl release or download just the files if you prefer digital over vinyl. Minion made a hard drum & bass influenced top notch breakcore track, Poxxe follows with a storming metallic crashing tune that goes totally berzerk. on the other side, Fiend gives us his idea of Dubstep, dirty, noisy, distorted and far away from the usual stuff. Resurrector ends this fine release with industrial broken beats that is like a summary of the rest of the record. highly recommended.

sub/version digital 303- 310
A bunch of excellent tunes to celebrate 15 years of Sub/version. 7 tracks of a planned series of 15 tracks that will be released by the end of 2012 on the praxis & sub/version bandcamp site. 303 is a suberb Vile Enginez remix of Christoph Fringeli’s “Fuel For The Fire” from Sub/version 004. he adds his own trademark of punching breaks to the great original. Amboss on 304 with  a hard and fast technoid drum & bass tune, relentless. On 305 Vile Enginez back with a dark and fast breakcore /D&B mixture. 306 are the Somatic Repsonses mixing their unique style with drum & bass, hard and hitting. 307: Vile Enginez again with a brutal, pushing breakcore stepper, great.
308 made by Egon Frinz, a more minimalistic take on hard drum and bass, atmospheric surrounding. Grr with number 309, a breakcore/hardcore/d&b crossover, dynamic stuff. finally, 310 by Noize Creator is a stomping, dark stepping tune dedicated to late nineties Hardstep. Keep your ears open for the last  five
upcoming tunes.

Various-Narcosis 2
Various-Narcosis 3   
Two 12s from Narcosis, an acid label from Belgium. Narcosis 2 with 6 tracks ranging from midtempo hardcore to pounding  acidcore. the best tracks are from Coexsystems and Brandon Spivey. Narcosis 3 comes with 5 tracks full of acid techno/electro and hardcore. most interesting track are from The Acid Mercenaries  and Stoornis on this one.

Dead Fader – Askanes
Dead Fader – Luckeeey EP
Dead Fader – Work It, No
Dead Fader are John Cohen & Barry Prendergast residing in brighton and berlin. Their sound is bass heavy, with industrial clanking drums, noisy and abrasive, using distortion as an instrument. they can’t be pressed in one genre, sometimes they are called dubstep but it has often not much in common beside the tempo. Askanes on Murder Channel Records is an 40 minutes long mix ride through these sounds showcasing the possibilities in their music. The luckeeey ep comes as digital release on Tigerbeat6 with 6 track between hardest dubstep or illbient, noise and breakcore in typical harsh manner. Work it, no on Robot Elephant Records goes along the other releases with stomping harsh beats and a sensational vocalist on one track. Interesting and fresh stuff, recommended.

Alphacut Records
All the Alphacut releases live for a warm old school feeling, a good mastering and a love for the details like designs, locked grooves on mostly every vinyl and a careful selection of tracks.
Bit Depth & Phuture-T – Stalk Them / Amazon Basin Alphacut 24:
both sides with a far eastern sounding atmosphere and a laid back feeling but pushing at the same time, funky beat programming. Parallel, Relapse & Scale – Parasitic Oscillations / Secret Sun  Alphacut 25: Side A with a dark, cold tune, old school sounding but fresh .Side B reminds one of stuff like source direct or photek in parts. Very sharp beats. Lowcut, Parallel (8) & Tim Reaper – Therapist / Vega Alphacut 26: Lowcuts track has a quite minimalistic setup but thats the appealing factor in it. The other side comes ruff with well equalized and edited amen breaks and a massive reese. Sinistarr / Sub-Drama Dub / Instantaneous Alphacut 27: The newest release with an interesting beat programming on Sinistarrs track, dry and  the Subs side sounds really like 1997. everything from the beats to the speech samples and synths, nice. Its not dark but builds up a nice atmosphere. Every vinyl is limited to 200 copies and comes with spray painted logos in different colors on centerlabels.

Grindmaster Flesh/Urban Guerrilla-Rust In Piss/The God Particle (Fuck You Tapes)
Fuck You Tapes, the cassette sublabel of hirntrust grind media from austria with the latest release. A c20 tape with two 10 minutes tracks, limited to 50 copies. Grindmaster Flesh aka Zombieflesheater with a freestyle/live noise/breakcore remix of the Jungleclassic R.I.P(Hype rmx) from Remarc. Urban Guerrilla is the noise alias of FFF and he did a drone/powernoise live recording. Comes with an artwork from remona poortman and is also available as digital download through the bandcamp of ZFE.


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